AHD Tent City provides releif support to 457 families tent city at Bhan, Jamshoro

Due to flood water from breached Tori Dyke and rain water from Kheerthar mountain rivers, Manchhar Lake over flowed on 17/9/2010 inundating 3 UC of Taluka Sehwan Completely i.e UC Dal, Boobak, Channa whereas some villages of UC Talti were also inundated. Approximately 80000 population was displaced to Hyderabad, Dadu, Jamshoro, Bhan Sehwan, and Jhangara town of Sehwan. Due to floods 22 km of National Highway remained under flood water for 1 month.


Water tanker and volunteers preparing the camp site

IDPs at Bhan Saeed were living in very poor condition at spontaneous settlements and govt. schools with no basic facilities and food shortage. Being unorganized and scattered in spontaneous settlements, they were unable to maintain their health, hygiene, and livings.

IDP children at Bhan camp school with volunteer teachers

Most of them had no shelters. It was believed that their condition in coming days shall worsen as many communal diseases like gastro, Acute Water Diarrhea, skin infection, and acute respiratory infections might spread and cause deaths majorly in children, women and elderly persons. Since the onset of flood update, more than 1000000 populations had been reported affected with these diseases only in Sindh. Number was expected to rise with the passage of time and nature rampage continues. Proportion of acute diarrhea was high and continues to be the second cause of morbidity in flood affected areas.


Volunteers giving nutrition suppliment to children

It was observed that government along with many INGOs and local NGOS was providing relief items to IDPS like food items, NFIs, and medical camp facilities at some places but their condition at camps was not improving and getting very bed with passage of each movement. NO ORGANIZED CAMPS WERE OBSERVED AT ANY PART OF FLOOD AFFECTED AREAS AROUND BHAN SAEEDABAD, REGARDLESS OF GOVERNMENT AND NGOS SPENDINGS IN BILLIONS TILL AHD DECIDED TO SET TENT CITY FOR IDPs IN PARTNERSHIP WITH ASSOCIATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF PAKISTAN INGO.


Water tanker delivering water at camp

AHD and ADP togather managed the tent city as humanitarian aid response to floods 2010. At tent city, IDP were provided food, water, education, health, and nutrition support for 2 and half month till water receeded from their villages and they were able to return to their home.


A cleaning team of Muncipal administration regularly cleaned the camp area to ensure hygiene conditions at camp area. AHD also provided doctors, support medical staff and medicines to ensure their health. 3,100 men, women, and children lived in tent city.


Socio-Psycho activity with children in evening at camp

During disasters, children are observed as most affectee due to their early age and remain under psychological pressure due to displacement and bad experience. To help them remain healthy mind and active, AHD organized daily evening recreational activities with children that included sports and story telling. Singing and dancing were also very effective and important part of these activities. Children at camp were also provided books, colors, pencils, bags and learning facility at camp during morning.


Evening view of Bhan Tent City

Besides tent city at Bhan, Jamshoro AHD also provided releif to IDPs by establishing 100 Tent Villages at Thatta, and District Dadu with support from IOM to more than 20000 population.


For further details please visit www.ahdsindh.org or email: ahd@cyber.net.pk


Action for Humanitarian Development - Developing Alternatives









